Research and Development
Human-centric innovation is a core competency for NVC International’s LED market leadership.
Research and Development
NVC International has established complete R&D systems that support our business’ sustainable development
Our R&D and innovation efforts include
Our R&D and innovation efforts include
Establishing R&D centers and laboratories in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangdong and the UK
Working with prominent domestic and foreign electrical lighting and lamp experts to study cutting edge lighting technology
NVC UK, Research and development of specialised products for overseas markets
Shanghai R&D Center, Research and development of lighting appliances and groundbreaking energy saving products
Zhuhai R&D Center, Research and development of light fittings

Zhuhai R&D Centre
Zhejiang R&D Centre
Shanghai R&D Centre
Zhuhai R&D Centre

Zhuhai R&D Centre
200+ employees
CMAS and ISO9001 compliant
Unit 705, 7/F., Building 20E, Phase 3, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, N.T., Hong Kong.
+852-2375 1296
+852-2375 1385
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